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Exhibition of x-rays by 3DX-RAY at Knole, Kent

An exhibition  of x-rays of historical treasures by 3DX-RAY Ltd  is being held  at Knole, Kent ,12 June – 22 July, free entry.

Visitors can take a deeper look at the objects in the house in this ethereal and beautiful exhibition of prints.

They explore the hidden world inside the collection, showing some of the historical conservation work that has taken place.

3DX-Ray used their FlatScan portable equipment to x-ray the items in situ, so that the fragile items need not be moved.

The x-ray images have helped  the conservation team at Knole in Sevenoaks to discover more about the construction, materials and condition of its treasures. Using this equipment has enabled staff at Knole to see into inaccessible areas, not only to look at how the artefacts have been constructed but also discover more about their current state repair and conservation needs. The images obtained at Knole show details of the furniture’s construction, the tacks used, the presence of tarnished and degraded threads, the layers of upholstery and, of course, the tunnels and damage caused by woodworm.

The equipment used was a FlatScan-TPXi portable x-ray system, comprising a large area slim detector panel, an x-ray generator and a laptop for viewing the images. The detector panel is placed on one side of the item and the x-ray generator on the opposite side. The x-ray scan is initiated from the laptop and the x-ray image can be viewed immediately. Highly sophisticated image processing tools allow the operator to zoom in on areas of interest, adjust the contrast, make measurements and annotate the image.

For further information contact:


tel.: +44 (0) 1509817400