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Businesses X-ray mail scanning ensures safety

Mail bombs, toxic chemicals, biological threats and other hazards are easy to send through the post.  As are hoax items. But they all cause serious disruption.  Businesses X-ray mail scanners can solve the problem.  They help keep employees safe and business running.

Mail threats are anonymous.

Multinational corporations, government offices and small independent companies are all potential targets.  How these organisations implement safety is critically important. Not only must they meet their regulatory duty of care but they need to protect their staff and investments.

Business X-ray mail scanners help ensure safety. They are cost-effective, easy to set up and to move around if desired.  The BSI has produced a guide that helps any company through the process.  It offers detailed specifications as well as clear information on threat levels. 

The PAS 97:2021 specification can be downloaded here. It helps identify and implement postal security and screening measures for any organisation.

Mail scanning systems use technology to meet the demands of a busy office.  They are safe and provide a range of easy to use but powerful tools.  Not only do they let you recognise items that are potential threats but they help identify them.  An example is materials differentiation which helps identify explosives, powders, chemical and biological threats, narcotics, weapons, sharps, blades, nuclear material and contraband – even when they are hidden behind or in solid steel boxes.

X-ray scanners allow businesses to distinguish between regular post and malicious mail. So mailroom staff can do their work and distribute the mail without extra hassle or stress.

As well as regular mail our x-ray scanning systems can check bags, briefcases and other carried or delivered items. 

We offer training and support packages covering detecting threats in mail. Courses incorporate both theory and hands-on sessions. Users learn to spot and identify threats including explosives, knives, guns, cameras, powders, drugs, liquids and other threats

We produce two types of mail x ray equipment – cabinet and conveyor.  CXiTM cabinets have a much smaller footprint and can scan mail in bulk.  AxisTM conveyor systems can deal with much larger volumes of mail.  Both make identification simple.  They produce clear images and highlight material types.

Axis CXi x ray mail scanning
  • Full training is offered
  • Easy to use
  • Powerful tools and abilities
  • Large inspection chamber
  • High-clarity images
  • Highlights material’s types
  • Easy to move
  • Stylish

Chamber product information
Download CXi chamber datasheet
Watch a short movie on CXi Chamber x-ray scanner

AxisTM X-ray mail screening – conveyor

AXIX Conveyor x-ray scanning

  • For fast, bulk mail and packages
  • Scans bags, briefcases and carry-items
  • User-friendly software
  • Highlights different materials
  • Clear high-quality images
  • Range of tunnel sizes
  • Effective threat detection

Conveyor product information  
Download AxisTM conveyor datasheet  
Watch a short movie on Axis Conveyor Scanner    


Watch a video interview where 3DX-Ray sales and marketing director Vince Deery discusses x-ray mail scanning,

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